We recently had a chance to interview Andrea Kramer Wilcox, Vice President of City Apparel, and learned about an industry and a product that we knew very little about–flame resistant clothing.
What made you decide to start your own business?
Andrea Kramer Wilcox: We started FlameResistantClothing.co because it was a product line we were already selling to corporate America and this was an obvious transition to sell online.
Can you describe your business to us?
Andrea Kramer Wilcox: FlameResistantClothing sells flame resistant uniforms online. We also offer corporate programs that can manage employee allowance programs and customization.
How did you end up finding your niche?
Andrea Kramer Wilcox: FlameResistantClothing realized regulations with 70E continue to expand and add detail to the safety parameters in relation to employee safety. This is a market that continues to grow and we are proud to serve it.
Can you describe your background, education and work history to us?
Andrea Kramer Wilcox: I’m a graduate of Ohio Northern University and received an MBA at the University of Findlay. I’m also the third generation in my family business and I’m the Vice President of CityUniformsandLinen.com and CityApparel.net
What steps did you take to acquire the background and skills necessary to run this type of company?
Andrea Kramer Wilcox: I feel business acumen can be found through mentoring, listening and innovation. FRC offers a product that assists employees in coming home safe every night and that makes us feel good!
City Apparel has been providing high quality clothing and protective gear for over twelve years. To learn more about FlameResistantClothing, please visit online at www.flameresistantclothing.co More like this blog.
That is terrific. Flame resistant clothing! Well, I figured they had this thing already, but it is nice to see it being made in good quality.
I looked at their website. Looks really professional and well done. So many websites are jokes nowadays.
I looked at their website. Looks really professional and well done. So many websites are jokes nowadays.
I looked at their website. Looks really professional and well done. So many websites are jokes nowadays.