During our interview with MOGO GPS Marketing and e-Commerce Manager Kristen Richardson, we had a chance to learn about how rewarding it is to watch her team work together, as well as how advances in technology have impacted the way the company conducts business.
Can you tell us what the best day is like for you as a business manager?
Kristen Richardson: As a business manager it is really rewarding to repeatedly see my team work together as one, delivering value to the entire customer base. Regardless of who the account manager of each customer is, they all have the same passion and dedication to build this business, making it successful.
One of the best days I have had is when several members of the team scoped and worked together on a large project to deliver a large scale gps tracking system. The teams’ commitment, drive and assertiveness resulted in a significant win for the team and a happy customer who is not only our biggest but one of our longest standing.
Can you tell us about any unexpected obstacles that have crept up, or mistakes that have been made?
Kristen Richardson: Customers choose and purchase Mogo for the main advantage of checking time sheets for both staff and customers. This allows them to cut down vehicle expenses and check for personal use of the vehicle during work hours. Such as, many customers have triggers to receive alerts on particular sites including local shopping centres, McDonalds and even TAB’s.
Mogo’s system also provides security to a business. A customer’s story that will be forever remembered is from a food distribution company. It was the week before Christmas and one of their delivery vans were stolen just after the driver did the first drop-off. Because the vehicle had a tracking unit secretly installed, the business manager rang the police and told them the exact location of their stolen vehicle. The thief was caught and the vehicle containing all the food deliveries as well as a few cases of wine were recovered. Ultimately, Mogo saved Christmas!
How has technology and the internet impacted how MOGO GPS does business?
Kristen Richardson: Mogo GPS has been founded on both technology and the internet. The business would not exist without them, as we market through an e-commerce channel. Our customers are technology savvy in which they embrace the internet and technology in their business.
While there are many benefits to the advancement of the internets and technology, it does provide a number of risks for Mogo as it does for many other businesses worldwide. We have managed to survive against overseas manufacturing giants, as we were an initial business in this market and industry to sell directly through an e-commerce channel.
One of our mission objectives is based on offering value and gaining loyalty in the Australian market, as we are an Australian brand.
Finally, how do you marketing your business?
Kristen Richardson: MOGO is an online brand, offering a web-based tracking system that allows customers to login and track vehicles anywhere with access to the internet. With access to the GPS tracking system, MOGO customers can instantly see the location of their vehicles and effectively monitor and manage their fleet from a PC, tablet or mobile phone. The value in MOGO lies within the ability to see full transparency of operations; from viewing the vehicle’s location through to trip reports, speeding alerts, history or an update on Google Traffic.
The value message is conveyed through a range of digital communications including customer competitions, webinars, email and great account management team who use online meeting tools to ensure customers are in a position to use the product to its full capacity.
Kristen RIchardson is the Marketing and e-Commerce Manager of MOGO GPS, which has been providing the highest quality GPS services to its customers for over six years. Anyone interested in learning more about MOGO GPS will find more information online at www.mogogps.com.au
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